Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Attention to be turned on the Councils

12 Frederick Street

Ged Fitzgerald
Chief Executive
Sunderland City Council
Civic Centre

14th December 2004

Dear Mr. Fitzgerald,

Following the overwhelming and emphatic rejection of an elected regional assembly by the North East public in the recent referendum, I wish to raise a number of concerns that I have as a Sunderland ratepayer over the continued existence of the unelected North East Assembly.
On 14th November 2004 I copied you in to an e-mail sent to NEA Director, Stephen Barber, which raised a number of serious questions. I have enclosed a copy of this e-mail for reference.

These questions relate to Sunderland City Council’s use of ratepayers monies to continue funding this organisation.

Can you confirm that in the event of the North East Assembly having a funding problem that there will be no question of Sunderland ratepayers meeting any of the liabilities of this organisation, or that of the Association of North East Councils?
As these organisations are funded by year on year ‘voluntary’ and not ‘contractual’ subscriptions are you happy with the legal position of these organisations creating (now 32) permanent paid positions and has the Council taken independent legal advice?
The Director of the North East Assembly, Stephen Barber has already stated that there is liability insurance in place to cover this eventuality. As the organisations (NEA and ANEC) are both unincorporated associations it appears that this claim may not have legal standing. Have you had sight of this insurance and has Sunderland Council taken legal advice with regard to that policy and potential liability that could arise?
Has Sunderland paid the 2004-2005 subscription yet, and if so, to whom? NEA or ANEC?
Can you confirm that the Assembly’s ‘Strengthening Regional Accountability’ budget of £1.8m over three years is finished in 2004?
Is it the intention of Sunderland Council to continue to support the existence of the unelected North East Assembly?
Can you please advise as to how Sunderland’s members of both NEA and ANEC are chosen?

I trust you will make available this communication to the current members from Sunderland City Council so that they are aware of their own personal positions.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Herron

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