Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Many joining the fight to kick Ass

Since the Booker article in the Sunday Telegraph regarding the alleged unlawful activities by assembly members I have been deluged with requests for the questions to raise to the individual councils...including many from councillors concerned for their personal positions.

I have also had a number of interesting e-mails from people who have also been following our line and raising questions. One in particular...

6 April 2005

Mr x xxxxxxx

The people who work for the Assembly are in fact employed by the host authority and the Assembly does not employ anyone directly. I have fully advised the Leader that it is my view that there has been no breaches of any statutory requirements or code of conduct and if you wish to take the matter further then you must refer the matter to the director of public prosecutions yourself.

Yours sincerely

N J L Fardon

Borough Solicitor
Allerdale Borough Council
cc Mr J Musgrave - Leader

Mr M Phillips Acting Chief Executive

Therefore, if the host authority is employing the assembly staff then they are also responsible for the contracts of employment and redundancy and pension obligations. According to the District Auditor in the North East this could be unlawful and the burden cannot be placed on one authority's ratepayers...a burden for 50+ staff running into the millions.

First question must be,
"Who is the host authority?"
Second question,
"Where, when and by whom was it agreed to underwrite the contracts of employment of the assembly?"
Third question,
"Were any of the councillors who were present at the above assembly members at the time?"

This is now getting serious. In the North East they have always said that the Assembly is the employer. I hope that that is the case otherwise there have been some serious porkies told.

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