This is the tip of a massive national iceberg. Just follow the line taken below and we can start redressing the balance. For too long the arrogant officials have had their own way.
It's now payback time.
Meter Money Back
Newcastle Journal
Monday 22nd May 2006

New Traffic Regulations came into place in West Sunniside, in Sunderland City Centre on March 31.
The changes meant that waiting restrictions were put into place which superceded the old parking bays.
But it was six days after the new rules came into force before the parking meters were removed, and unsuspecting motorists had continued to put money into the machines. Now Sunderland Council has admitted there was a mistake, and is offering the £307 collected to any driver who can show they parked there during that period.
A council spokeswoman said: "Anyone who can demonstrate that they paid to park in these bays on those days is entitled to a refund. Any residual monies will be donated to charity.
The error is a the latest in a series series of problems with traffic orders since the council took over control of parking enforcement from the police in 2003.
The authority has already agreed to pay back £34,367.36 in fines it collected without the legal powers to do so, and has admitted a string of mistakes when the regulations wwere set up.
Campaigner Neil Herron said yesterday: "The shambles continues. It will be very interesting to find out how the council are going to track down everybody who's put 50p into that meter."
The council said that drivers who want to apply for a refund should call 0191 553 1521
1 comment:
just a thought but can those people issued with an "illegal" parking ticket not take the Council to court for demanding money with menaces?
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