The Metric Martyrs Defence Fund had agreed to assist Rotherham Butcher Edward Smith who had been threatened with the seizure of his scales by Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council.
We respectfully requested that once the 28 day seizure notice expired that if they intended to carry out the threat that they ensured that Edward was able to have legal representation present to ensure procedures were carried out correctly.
They turned up on Tuesday at 9.45am. Principal TSO Margaret Statham and a male colleague. They did not give Mr. Smith any notice of their visit and he refused to hand over the scales. In true Schwarzenegger style they warned "Ah'll be back."
Calendar TV arrived shortly afterwards and were there when I arrived. Local BBC Radio also attended.
What appears now to be descending into farce, especially following the European Commission's announcement that they are abandoning the enforced metrication programme is the statement by Rotherham as to why they are continuing to enforce the legislation. Bear in mind that it is now seven and a half years since the regulations came into force, so where has the council been until now?
They claim that Mr. Smith, by selling in imperial, enjoys an 'unfair competitive advantage.'
The picture below shows Edward's shop ... at the busy time of the day ...
His is the one in the far corner ... Tesco's and Sainsbury's must be quaking in their boots.
Perhaps Mr Herron would like to enlighten all of us regarding what he means by the "European Commission's announcement that they are abanddoning (sic) the enforced metrication programme."
The Commission have made a proposal to permit the continued use of imperial as "supplementary units" - sales still have to be conducted in metric units.
Mr Herron does his cause no good by distorting the truth.
Hmmm, where has he distorted the truth? The European Commission has abandoned the enforced metrification programme so that's fact.
It would appear Anonymous, that you need to take a dose of your own medicine before making a prat of yourself.
I see the People's Republic of South Yorkshire is roaring again.
Did anyone complain about this shop, or do these petty fascists just prey on the easy targets, rather than the bogus auctions &c which might involve them in some actual work.
A plauge on all their houses.
I'm all for Neil's campaigning with the Metric Martyrs fund but it is correct to say that the EU has not abandoned compulsory metrication. It has simply stated that it will no longer seek to prohibit supplementary indications (i.e. Imperial weights and measures) be shown alongside compulsory metric units. And unless the Government withdraws Statutory Instrument 2001 No. 55, The Units of Measurement Regulations 2001, it will be illegal from 1 Jan 2010 to use such supplementary indications.
Alf the Unlucky is correct and we are still awaiting confirmation that SIs 55 and 85 will be struck out by Ministerial Order ... otherwise the Government will find themselves in bit of a pickle.
We appreciate that the only change at present is the political intent and the law needs to catch up.
However, in light of the total and utter confusion amongst the public caused by the enforced metrication shambles it would be in the best interests of all the authorities to announce a moratorium until there is some overt political guidance. It is not acceptable to pick off traders one by one applying the law across the country in a haphazard and arbitrary fashion.
It is likely that such shambolic enforcement will lead to a civil case for damages against any acting authority.
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