Monday, September 24, 2007

Did NPAS 'assist' Allerdale Council? You decide

Allerdale Council 'amended' their Notice to Owner on 13th June 2007.

They claim that the original Notice to Owner was 'valid' but required some 'minor' amendments.

Not sure why a legal document needs to be corrected to make it more correct.

However, the 'minor' amendments as they call them were to make a non-compliant notice into a compliant one.

How did they become aware?

They only found out when we introduced it as evidence into an NPAS case, Hodgson v Allerdale, some weeks earlier.

Allerdale were 'assisted' by the adjudicator who did not rule on the evidence supplied in relation to the validity of the notices and strike them down as the Chief Adjudicator did in Aylesbury Vale v Lukha but decided in favour of the appellant on a technicality with regard to the display of a Blue Badge.

Subsequently, this decision allowed Allerdale to change the notices without having to write off all outstanding tickets as they would have had to if the adjudication had been on the points raised.

Once you realise that NPAS get 55p per ticket and such a decision could also compromise their revenue stream then their claim to be independent and impartial leaves a lot to be desired and as more and more evidence builds up it is only a matter of time before this organisation falls.

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