Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Brown Baby Shock in Scotland!

The Chancellor cocked a snoop at the Government's metrication shambles as he failed to insist on the birthweight of little Fraser being in metric.

The Government's 'Do as we say, not as we do' follows on from the questioning under caution of Devon marketeer, Alan Elias for selling 46p worth of onions on imperial scales and the threat of prosecution of Scottish brewer and bar owner, Gordon Wetzel-Stewart for selling beer in his German theme bar by the litre.

After 2009 it becomes a criminal offence to make any reference to imperial measures in trade.

I wonder if the Prime Minister in waiting will say 'Do as I do, not as I say' or will he continue to endorse and condone the most offensive of legislation ... the enforced metrication of Britain by stealth.

Brown names new baby James Fraser
Read the BBC Report here

1 comment:

wonkotsane said...

Notice how Gordon "I'm British me" Brown made sure that his significant other gave birth in Scotland again? Can't have his kids being born English now can he?

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