Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Huddersfield Police Station parking bay is 'illegal'

In light of the decision of Justice Ouseley in the High Court Moss v KPMG it seems as though Kirklees Council now have themselves in a bit of a pickle. Accounts not signed off and more admissions of illegal bays ... a highways and parking department not fit for purpose. Now let's see how quickly they refund their unlawfully derived income ... Adur Council were exemplary in their actions.

Huddersfield Examiner
December 8th

Parking chiefs have been left red-faced yet again after it was revealed that the 'police vehicles only' parking bay outside Huddersfield's town centre police station is not lawful.

Drawings taken from the Department for Transport website show the Albion Street bay should be marked in yellow paint but it is painted white. The blunder comes only a few years after the Examiner revealed that Huddersfield Town Halls permit parking bay was illegal. The Ramsden Street parking space, only a few yards away from the police bay is used by the mayor and other dignitaries. It was painted yellow when it should have been painted white. Following the Examiner's story they bay was repainted within 48 hours.

Parking law expert Neil Herron, director of, said Kirklees was one of the worst local authorities for playing by the rules. Mr Herron, who has appeared on TV and radio programmes, said "its not a police parking bay, its simple as that. there are councils accross the country that have made similar errors painting white lines that should be yellow. There not traffic signs and its not lawful. It shows a sloppy attitude to their legal responsibilities, its not difficult to get the lines and signs corrected."

In 2008 the Examiner revealed almost 100 parking zones in the district failed to comply with the law. The expose showed illegal bays in Batley, Holmfirth, Cleckeaton, Heckmondwike and almost every neighbourhood in huddersfield. At the time Mr Herron accused Kirklees Council of catching motorists with unlawful parking fines and called for parking enforcements to be suspended.

1 comment:

Giles Pepperell said...

I've seen similar failings outside Brixton cop shop in Lambeth. They also leave documents on the dashboard of police vehicles to deter CEOs when parked unlawfully. So much for rule of law and application to all.

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