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- NPAS...National Parking Adjucation Service is Inde...
- Highway Robbery...by Councils across the land
- Welcome to the Site...Sunderland Council
- The real reason for the EU's insistence on the UK ...
- Gunter sticks his twelve inch foot in it
- Hands of our pints, traders tell Brussels
- First of many refunds in Sunderland
- More questions for Sunderland Council...Who knew? ...
- Sunderland Council's Parking Regime Going Through ...
- Bob Rayner Response to Neil Herron's Letter of 29t...
- Letter to Sunderland City Solicitor Bob Rayner 29t...
- House of Common Library - Bill of Rights and Metri...
- Newcastle Journal, The Letters Editor
- National Parking Adjudication Service...on the record
- Yellow peril fines fiasco
- The Letters EditorDear Sir,I would like to first m...
- Parking Fines Gaffe
- Association of British Drivers agrees with Herron....
- Is it that obvious? Where is the money?
- Traffic wardens in 'Argos points for tickets' row
- They're paid to book you!
- Sunderland Council and NCP now admit to 78 offences
- Sunderland may have to repay £2m in parking penalties
- Cover up alleged over parking fines
- Council Accused of rank cover-up
- Another Sunderland Council/NCP Clanger
- Sunderland Council press release
- A Fine Mess
- House of Cards ready to fall?
- Drivers' Parking Ticket Victory
- Advice on setting up Traffic Regulation Orders
- Driven out by traffic wardens
- Sunderland Parking Regime About to Go Into Freefall
- Parking Tickets Could be Illegal
- Parking: Press Notice Houses of Parliament
- Herron Convicted! Another can of worms opens
- Times Letters...Regionalisation
- Neil launches fresh No campaign
- Excel Airways...XL Airways...Ex-Hell Airways
- Why it's nearly impossible to find a candle that s...
- English north-east: the big idea that Blair ignored
They really are taking the "p"
No, The real threat is to "exocet" taxis! They have been warned!
shouldn't the next line continue with an explanation of: what TaxIs showing how fines pay for perks and council scams?
This is clearly the greatest scandal since Watergate! All other world affairs are insignificant by comparison. Doesn't Sunderland City Council know that, ever since Magna Carta, it has been the right of every free-born Englishman to park illegally?
Ever since Magna Carta and Bill of Rights, every Englishman has had the right to trial by jury and summary convictions have been unlawful.
My god, you really are an arsehole. The Magna Carta and Bill of Rights are two of the most important pieces of law in existence in this country. They form the basis of common law, protect the rights of citizens, protect your right to trial by jury, bind the government and monarchy to the rule of law and make the government answerable to the people.
You obviouasly haven't got the first clue what you're talking about. Talk about a Blairite stooge.
I do believe all concerned have made very good efforts and spent alot of time finding out information about the supposed illegal cpz in place in sunderland if neil herron and others believe there own words why are they paying for parking fines that they have received them selves.
Shame on you for telling people not to pay for parking fines when you are paying for the ones you have got yourself.
you have cost me my living because I am a Taxi driver and I can now no longer park my taxi in the ranks because anyone can park there.
If you really believe people have rights why do you lobby a cause that will cost me and many more Taxi drivers theire living.
Shame on you!! You should be on the side of people who do the right thing.Taxi Ranks are for taxis .They provide a public service.
well done to NCP they do a wonderful job;
" how much did it cost you in legal fees for that pound of banans "
I understand they are much cheaper by the kilo.
" An apple a day keeps the doctor away,but in your case apound of bananas could not keep the bailifs away "
get a life and pay for your parking tickets you hypocrite.
You will make a good politician Mr Herron because you say one thing and do another!
You tell people not to pay for parking tickets but you pay for yours!
" Red Herron pays for his parking tickets "
Metrictomatoe is really a redherron
What have you done with the metrictomatoe funds?
Metrictomatoe weighs up the cost of paying for his parking fines.
Herron pays for most of his fines
Council breaking news..." Herron coughs up and pays for his parking fines."
Council breaking news..." Herron coughs up and pays for his parking fines."
Redherron admits that paying for his parking fines is just the ticket.
Are you for real Herron,the council do not issue fines they issue penaltys,so once again you will be left with egg on your face.
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