Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Parking Fines used to keep Council Tax down

This admission puts a massive hole in the argument that parking enforcement is simply about keeping the streets clear.

Read it here


Anonymous said...

And this is a suprise to some?

No suprise either that fines go into general funds & not the area where any 'cough' "offence" was caused. Central government's been doing that for years with the so-called 'Road Fund License'.

Watch the local scumbag politicians use the loss of parking fine money as a justification for huge increases in Council Tax next year.

Anonymous said...

Anon 2:

And it never never, occurs to them to reduce public spending. Or stay within their budget. No, that is too simple a solution.

Hmmm! lets weigh the options, budget constraint or more gratuitous expences...

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