Monday, February 21, 2005

Metric Martyr's Stitch up explained

Came across this well written piece on another blog and created a link to it. It highlights the implications of the Metric Martyrs Judgment in simple terms.

A Silver Lining from the Case of the Metric Martyrs

For those who find intricate legal arguments difficult to follow I shall try to make this article as easy to read as I can, but I offer no guarantee that it will be anything other than hard going.
A legal ruling was given in 2002 that has enormous potential to do good for the cause of liberty in England. I refer to the case of the "Metric Martyrs" [Thoburn v Sunderland City Council]. If you wish to read the full report of the case you can find it here. The importance of the result has nothing to do with metrication.

Read the rest here

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