Friday, April 15, 2005

No apology forthcoming from European Commission official. Brush ready. Carpet being lifted.

----- Original Message -----
From: Metric Martyrs
Cc: Metric Martyrs ; fiona hall ; CALLANAN Martin ; ;
Sent:Friday, April 15, 2005 9:06 AM
Subject: Formal Complaints Procedure

Dear Ms. Colledge,

May I refer you to a copy of an article which I understand appeared in today's Daily Mail. I was under the impression that I would be forwarded details of your complaints procedure along with a written apology regarding the behaviour of one of the Commission's employees following your verbal apology, 'on behalf of your department,' where you categorically stated that Mr. Jones' views were not held by your department. During that conversation you advised me that a complaint was being initiated and you would be contacting me in writing. Can you please advise why this has not happened?
It appears from the quote below that nothing of the sort is going to happen. I do hope therefore, that this matter is not going to be swept under the carpet.
I was also under the impression that the three North East MEP's had been made aware that a formal investigation had been initiated. This also appears not to be the case.
Therefore, I would like a response to my initial e-mail before we instruct lawyers to begin an action against Mr. Jones for his offensive and libellous comments.I hardly think asking for an apology and making a formal complaint about the behaviour of an individual funded by the taxpayer is 'stirring things up.'

"Last night, it appeared that Mr Jones would not be sacked or severely reprimanded.

An EU spokesman said he had promised to make a personal apology. But Mr Jones accused Mr Herron of ‘trying to stir things up’ and claimed his superior had already sent an apology."

Could you also please give details of your superior in order that they be brought into the complaints procedure.

Yours sincerely,

Neil Herron
Campaign Director
Metric Martyrs Defence Fund
12 Frederick Street

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2005 10:24 AM
Subject: Fw: Formal Complaints Procedure

Dear Ms Colledge,
I received the e-mail (in red below) from John Jones who I am informed, works for the Translation Service. I understand that you are his superior. Can you confirm this and can you please advise of your formal complaints procedure?
We did offer Mr. Jones the opportunity to apologise. He chose not to. I will make further e-mails available once you make contact.
We will be taking matters to the highest level and are currently consulting our legal advisers and will also be raising the matter with our elected representatives. The press and media will also be informed.
This does not appear to be the face of the European Commission that Commissioner Wallstrom is attempting to portray.
I trust you will appreciate the seriousness and urgency of this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Neil Herron
Campaign Director
Metric Martyrs Defence Fund
12 Frederick Street
Tel. 00 44 191 565 7143

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Herron []
Sent: Monday, March 07, 2005 11:13 PM
To: JONES John Michael (DGT)
Subject: Re:

youre a bunch of fucking luddites. Metric has to win cos thats what we learnt at school. Long live England. long live metric, with 5 metric units names after Uk scientists and 2 Uk directors of the metre bureau. The imperialists are dead in the water. ps: what in hell are you actually defending? look at great countries like australia and new zealand if you cant stand europe. you luddites in england make me sick.

----- Original Message -----
From: Metric Martyrs
Sent: Wednesday, March 09, 2005 1:34 PM
Subject: Formal Complaints Procedure

Dear Mr. Jones,
I take it from your latest communication that you are not prepared to apologise for the foul and abusive unsolicited e-mail that you sent us.I take it also, that from your e-mail address that you work, in some capacity, for the European Commission and are therefore using equipment or an address provided by the taxpayer for the venting of your own personal frustrations.
I have no wish to continue the dialogue with you only for you to provide the information requested below.
We will obviously be taking the matter further with a view to legal action.
It is rather distressing for us to receive such an offensive e-mail especially so close to the anniversary of Steven Thoburn's tragic and untimely death however, it is perhaps somewhat fortunate for you that your offensive comments were intercepted by me and were not seen by his widow.
Can you please provide me with details of the European Commission's formal complaints procedure and confirm that you work for the Translation Service and your superior is Gillian Colledge?
Yours sincerely,
Neil Herron
Campaign Director
Metric Martyrs Defence Fund
Frederick Street

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