Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Another nail in Sunderland Council's Parking Coffin

It has always been intended to prove the illegality or non-compliance of Sunderland City Council's Decriminalised Parking Enforcement regime by exposing that there were no correct or valid Traffic Regulation Orders in force for the City Centre Controled Parking Zone.

Repeated attempts to get the matter before the National Parking Adjudication Service have failed as Sunderland repeatedly dropped cases before they got there.

Now, finally a case citing the CPZ issue has been heard and claimed that there were no valid CPZ signs. The adjudicator ruled thatSunderland Council have 'not proved their case.'

Whilst I appreciate the fact that each case is dealt with on a case by case basis and there are no precedents, the same defence anywhere for the City Centre CPZ will produce the same result.

Loooks like my next batch of pending cases ain't gonna get much further!

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