Whilst not advocating parking anarchy the British public have an in-built sense of injustice ... and parking enforcement is now out of control and careering for meltdown. The public have had enough ... and when you consider that a £60 to £120 fine for the most minor of contraventions when money is as tight as what it is means that the public anger and resentment will grow.
No-one has any sympathy for the repeat or persistent offender but these form the minority. Perhaps the only way to get Parliament to sit up and take notice is to copy your appeal in to your MP especially if there is question over the legality of the enforcement practice by the council.
Only public pressure will force the change ... but after the subdued Transport for London enforcement conference which we attended yesterday the 'industry' or service as they now call themselves, were a lot more contrite and conciliatory. Gone has the cocky arrogance and reckless indifference to the plight of the motorist. Now it is one of uncertainty as to the level of the maelstrom which is about to unfold.
Putting it right now will be a start but it doesn't let go what has gone before ... a burglar caught after years of unlawful activity can pledge to go straight but he is still accountable for his previous actions.
The public is at tipping point on this and many other matters ... and we now know the politicians are starting to realise that failure to address matters could make things very uncomfortable indeed.
Oh, and despite the 'industry' now deciding to now call themselves a 'service' I must point out that I am not a 'customer.' A customer makes a choice to be a customer ... and we certainly choose to get a parking ticket. I think the word 'victim' is perhaps more appropriate in light of the unlawful activity of some councils.
Meanwhile, back to Mr. Cable in the Richmond and Twickenham Times ...
MP calls for fairer rules on parking
By Chris Caulfield
The constant stream of residents' parking horror stories may come to an end after fresh moves were launched to create fair and flexible guidelines. More ...
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