Monday, September 12, 2005

The Clock is Ticking Sunderland...why so long?

It is now over ten days since the following press request went in to Sunderland City Council


1. Can the Council confirm that on or around November 2003 Parking Services / NCP / Sunderland Council became aware that they had been issuing tickets to Disabled Motorists in Loading Bays unlawfully?

2. How was it brought to your attention?

3. Why did you not immediately make this public and offer to refund the money?

4. Did Sunderland Council issue a notice to NCP to desist from issuing further tickets as they had no lawful authority to do so
If so, who issued the notice and to whom and the date it was issued?

5. Can you confirm the number of tickets that had been unlawfully issued by Parking Attendants (to disabled badge holders in loading bays) prior to you becoming aware that they had been issued unlawfully and the number that have been issued since all parties became aware? Can you also confirm the Offence Code?

Why is it taking so long?

Why is there still no explanation as to why in 2003 was the money unlawfully taken not refunded immediately?

There is a rumour circulating that Sunderland City Council are about to hold their hands up to the whole parking regime being unlawful...we wait with bated breath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hit drivers hard
MAY I highlight the misuse of disabled parking bays in the car park off Newbottle Street, Houghton.
I am disabled and can witness the misuse happening almost on a regular basis risking a visit from the parking attendants.
It is common knowledge that parking attendants are despised, but they are only doing their job, the only ones who despise are the fit and able drivers who break the rules and complain bitterly when they receive a fixed penalty.
I say hit them hard and often in the wallet, they might even learn the lesson.

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