Monday, September 19, 2005

NPAS under more pressure

NPAS under more pressure from Motoring Organisation

Dear Neil,
Just a quick note to let you know in the lights of the NPAS ruling on the bill of rights and their impartiality'
I have sent a letter to the body that is supposed to oversee them, The Council on Tribunals, and conduct investigations into their conduct I have redone the letter below for you.
Whether they actually do anything is another matter all together
Motorists Against Persecution

September 19, 2005
The Council on Tribunals
81 Chancery Lane

Dear Sir or Madam:

I wish to make a complaint/inquiry regarding the conduct/status of theNational Parking Adjudication Service.

The points are as follows;
1. On there website they make the astonishing claim that they are acourt of law. I do not believe this to be true. In this respect they are grossly misleadign the public

2. They also claim to be an independent body and say that they are not connected with any local authorities. However they are funded by the local authorities and receive money from parking tickets issued. Also they are to report to the joint committee, this committee is made up of representatives from the local councils in its area. Upon investigation they do not receive any other form of funding from any government body at all and rely entirely on money raised from the number of tickets issued, therefore I would submit that they have a vested interest in seeing decriminalised parking schemes work and not be undermined.

3. NPAS made a decision on the Bill of Rights Act 1689. How did they manage to do this? The Bill of Rights is a constitutional act that provides rights between the people and the state. I hold the opinion that only a senior High Court Judge/Law Lord should make the ruling in such a case. I believe that, when faced with a challenge of this gravity, the adjudicator should have adjourned the hearing and told the appellant to seek clarification from the High Court on the matter. For reference the case number for NPAS is SF272.

We do have a lot more evidence on this matter and would be happy to submitit if required.



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