Monday, October 16, 2006

As more local authorities are getting caught out with the parking fight back they are now looking for another 'guilt trip' to justify a new stealth tax.

Public goodwill towards recycling and the local authority waste removal service is being restructured as a punitive measure to expose those who wish to damage the planet by failing to recycle ... thereby costing the local authority for their failure to hit EU recycling targets.

Just watch the environmental shroud wavers play the guilt trip and make anyone who doesn't recycle look fair game for the on-the spot fines. It's about to be rolled out across the country. Don't say you haven't been warned.

"Pay-as-you-throw is a real prospect, with cash-strapped councils viewing it as a potential revenue earner to rival parking fines. " Read it here


Anonymous said...

just do as I do and burn everything that will burn, after all Global warming is natural you know

Anonymous said...

What really gets my goat with this idea is, the vast bulk of my waste is cat litter, its havy its gravel (ie ideal for landfill!) but it's going to cost me an arm and a leg aswell as every other cat owner in the coutry.

Oh well, fly tipping will become more prevalent then, I've always maintained there are 2 forms of environmentalism, the REAL kind that no one gives a dam about and the kind that can be used to extract cash from folks, guess which one councils and governments are intrested in.

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