Thursday, September 30, 2004

'Foot in Mouth' disease flares up again

Mr. Robb walks into the arena with 'basic' arguments worthy of a newcomer to the debate and sets up a 'softball' for the Yes Campaign to come back with a broadside.

He forgot to put in his letter that he is NESNO's spokesman, and the Yes Campaign are fully aware that he is also North East spokesman for the Conservative Party setting himself up for a fall...and I am sure the Yes Campaign will not miss this one either.

We spent yesterday exposing the Yes Campaign letter writers as Labour Councillors and Trade Union convenors with letters into the press accordingly for non-disclosure of 'other' interests and then we witness another 'foot in mouth' outbreak from the Conservative NESNO campaign.

The more they deny that they are 'Conservative' the more they will keep the 'foot in mouth' outbreak going.
"An assembly will cost lots..." Glad to see Mr. Robb is being well briefed. Keep up the good work NESNO.

Oh, and Mr. Robb, it wasn't a straightforward poll of 888 members. That was the number that responded. If you click here you can see the full press release from the NECC.

Newcastle Journal
30th September
Letters Page

Assembly will mean politicians talk while we pay
The Yes campaigners for a North East Assembly have a set pattern for their campaign: play the man and not the ball.

Firstly, they erroneously claimed the No side is a party political "Conservative" campaign.

Now they attack the North East Chamber of Commerce for a "biased" survey of members after a straightforward poll of 888 members showed 74% against an assembly.

As a member of the Chamber of Commerce I realised that an assembly will cost people lots with no benefit.

In the first year of running the assembly will cost arounmd £25m, which will be added to council tax. This money would otherwise be circulating in the economy. After the first year the running costs would be many more millions.

Yes campaigners are rattled. They realise people are catching on that under their proposals politicians will talk while we pay.

Graham Robb
Middleton St George

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr Robb really knows when to hit hard and fast. His skills must have been honed at the end of one very select Beer Bar. Mere mortals are astounded at his abilities, his accomplished tradecraft. His crystalline and pulsing awareness of his sworn enemy, that enemy to be terminated with total prejudice.

Surely he has been so very patient, this quite and grey man. Biding his time, fitting in, day and night waiting for that very moment. Yes, only certain men are totally lacking in remorse and lacking in conscience, manufactured and rebuilt, so unaware of the hardships other humans notice and fear, lack of sleep, total fatigue, frost bite, hunger, lack of sex. All these things Mr Robb regards as expected, he does not mind and those things do not matter.

My goodness no other political asset could have took that shot, it will go down as one of the best long shots in the history books, the best shot of all political assassins.

One shot one kill!

The shot was. Its going to cost Millions and the Council Tax Payees will pay.

How will you sleep knowing he's out there, some where, Waiting and waiting, because waiting is all he does, until its your time and you will never hear it coming.


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