Sunday, November 07, 2004

"Stick your ******* Barnett Formula"

The Scotsman
Sunday 7th November
read online here
MONDAY We had to trek down to Geordieland after Percy Higginbottom, John Prescott’s adviser, phoned to say that Jack was needed for the referendum. I arranged for him to meet half a dozen teenagers in a Newcastle basement. They hadn’t a clue who he was - one thought he was the former bass player with the Bay City Rollers. And, with Jack’s haircut, who could blame him

FRIDAY Disaster! Old Prescott was on the phone first thing, cursing and swearing about the north-east referendum result. "You blank, blank Jocks have blanked everything up thanks to that blank, blank Parliament of yours. You can stick your blanking Barnett formula up your blank." Oh dear. It can only get better!

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