Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wheel clamping drive signalled

Wheel clamping drive signalled
8 November, 2005
This is London

A major expansion of wheel clamping to deal with minor motoring offences has been signalled by the Lord Chancellor.

Motorists could find their vehicles immobilised or impounded rather than being taken to court
The proposal is part of a radical scheme to remove millions of minor crimes from the court system to ease the burden on magistrates.

Lord Falconer of Thoroton also said he would change the law to make it easier for people to take time off work to sit as JPs.

Lord Falconer said he would draw up "clear and achievable" requirements on how much time people should be allowed if they want to sit as magistrates, which would be loosely based on existing flexible working rules for parents.

A white paper just published says that such a move would encourage a wider range of people to become magistrates, including more ethnic minorities. It added: "We need to make the magistracy a more viable option to younger people. For example, we are consulting employers' organisations about what might be a reasonable sitting pattern for younger people in employment.

"The existing legislation on time off lacks clarity and is open to misinterpretation."
The BBC and TV Licensing Authority may be given new powers to issue their own summonses for licence dodging. And the DVLA could also play a greater role in tackling minor motoring crimes, it said.

"The use of wheel clamping, vehicle impounding and intelligence-led enforcement, together with a national network of enforcement officers operating from the agency's 40 local offices, provides further options for dealing with less serious offences outside the magistrates' courts system," the paper said.

Lord Falconer added: "More wheel clamping would be a good idea."


Anonymous said...

is Clamping not a "Forfeiture", and ultra vires (illegal), the same as a Decriminalised Parking ticket under the Bill of Rights act 1669, ie a fine or Forfeiture without conviction by a Court of Law?


Anonymous said...

Yes it is but it would appear that they will be offering conditional discharges like with speeding. This is certainly a grey area when it comes to the BoR as it still allows for a court hearing, it's a cop out.

What amazes me, is that Falconer's a mate of Blair's, he isn't even elected yet he is making Governemnt policy. This is nothing short of bolloxs.

Anonymous said...

i will just carry my own clamp in the boot then, get clamped, ring them up, they appear, clamp them, tell them you are willing to remove your clamp if they remove theirs first, not illegal after all is it.

bear it in mind

Anonymous said...

I may have the answer to this, carry your own clamp in the boot, get clamped, ring them, they arrive, you quickly clamp their vehicle then say "remove yours first then I will remove mine"!

bear it in mind


Anonymous said...

And this is exactly what will happen. General law abiding people are already feeling oppressed, when that happens the law become a joke and people will take direct action. All of these petty vindictive laws only go to help the criminals.

The criminals will buy an old bangar, clone it and yet they will be deemed legal according to ANPR. Meanwhile some other poor sod will be receiving their parking/speeding fines without recourse because the individual has to prove otherwise. The law is heavily, perhaps illegally so, in favour of proving one's own innocence. A very dangerous path indeed for a democracy.

You wait to see what happens once the Police have 90 days to lock someone up without charge too, something more sinister is going on here, mark my words and it will be abused. Ask mr Wolfgang!!

Anonymous said...

No actually true .You must get consent.That is why they have signs are in place.

parking enforcement said...

Remember that clamping a car without having an authorization is a criminal offense. But if the wheel clamping company is a perfectly authorized one, you have to pay the release fee.

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