Friday, February 17, 2006

EU Flag at Wear Vally DC...down for good.

At present Durham County Council are carrying out maintenance work in the vicinity of the flagpoles, the flags having been lowered until the work is complete. This is possibly for Health and Safety reasons as on a windy day they could have someone's eye out.

However, bang on cue, Jim Tague reports, he bumped into the "second-in-command", Councillor Charlie Kay, who when asked "how long is the EU party going to last?", replied by informing me that "the party is over, the EU flag will not fly when the flags return to the flagpoles".

He informed Jim to "keep it to himself."

He obviously had to tell me, as another concerned WVDC ratepayer and fellow campaigner.
Unfortunately I cannot keep it to myself.
If anyone wishes to ask Charlie for confirmation he does not have an e-mail address but you can e-mail and mark it for his attention.

1 comment:

wonkotsane said...

Excellent news. Do you know on what basis they have decided to leave it down?

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